Business Overview
Community Pastor Care, LLC (CPC) has operated as a medical transportation business since its legal formation September, 2010 in South Carolina. For the entirety of its existence, CPC has consistently provided quality, safe and professional medical transportation services to federal, state, and local agencies and also to local health and human services entities throughout South Carolina, North Carolina, and within the prescribed service area of the Robley Rex VAMC in Louisville, Kentucky. The company’s consistent track record as a provider of exceptional service in the medical transportation industry is attributable to deeply embedded principles, knowledge and skill driven practices, and established schedules for training, re-training, assessment and evaluation. Together, these elements constitute a management approach for the company that evolves around the core competence of “quality service” all the time. Continuous improvement of quality service is the major organizing principal in which all company operations are grounded.
Quality for CPC begins with personnel at all levels of the company and in every job. The company’s Executive and Managerial Team is comprised of people whose backgrounds are ideally suited for their roles in the company’s organization structure. The two top executives and part owners of CPC had distinguished careers in the military and have also built full and accomplished civil service career with the federal government. They transferred into their civilian lives, in part, by transferring relevant knowledge, skills and opportunities accumulated over 80 combined years of service within these two environments. CPC’s President & Founder, is Sammy Wade and its Chief Operations Officer and VP, is Hilliard Reese Approximately 60% of all CPC personnel are Veterans.